Saturday, March 23, 2013

Ben's week at the Game Reserve - by Ben

Well,  another week down with only 5 weeks to go until the monsoon rains hit in full force (could be a lot sooner but hopefully this year will be “ average”.   Work on the bridge has been taking up all of my time and energy.  We are making progress, have the cables up ready for boards but no boards.  They have to be cut with a chainsaw but getting that has been taking longer than I thought it would.  All the chainsaw people seem to have a million other things to do.  We also finally finished the blasting for the foundation in the river bed without any accidents.  Now we have to get the two, 24 foot posts up and that has proven to be harder than I had thought.  Spent most of Friday trying to do that with about 15 villager volunteers but it didn’t happen.  Will try again Monday.    Still trying to eliminate poaching and logging in my free time as well.   Have been trying to coordinate with the forestry Administration to raid the camps scattered around the community forest.  They made some arrests last month but there are still plenty operating.  Also poachers shooting the banteng and deer.  Also heard that a gaur was shot this week but haven’t confirmed that.  Hopefully we can get the bridge and road done in time to save at least a remnant of the wildlife.

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