Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Hunt for the White Winged Duck

A few weeks ago a birder friend of ours came to the “Game Reserve.”  The primary purpose was to look for endangered bird species.  We had heard reports from villagers that there are a number of White Winged Ducks living on the creek and wanted to verify this.  According to websites I’ve looked at, there is a worldwide total of only 700-800 in the world or which about one third are in Cambodia.  The first day we saw lots of different birds but no ducks.  On day two we decided to go further afield and our efforts were rewarded when we finally came across a pair of ducks roosting along the creek.  We had kind of given up looking and were returning on a section of the creek that we had detoured earlier when they flushed.  If we had been paying attention it would have had a nice photo.  Instead I have a McManus photo of where they were once sitting:

Elated to know that there are some endangered species on the Game Reserve.  Now I need to find the bird list of what we saw on that trip.

Here are some other shots from the hike:

New fields

Lisa and a log

Fig tree

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